
Monday, March 8, 2010

It's a LOVE/HATE thing...

The HATE started
7 months ago,
the day Ty became
I cried when he left
for school.
I knew it would be his last...
"First Day".

Then he put on that
He chose to make this year
He gave all he had.
That's when the LOVE
kicked in.

It was then
I realized that when you're cheering for a
it's different.
It's something more.
It's something deeper.
I LOVED every,
single, solitary
minute of it!

That was, until
I arrived in Park City.
I knew it would end there.
I cried.
He cried.
Dad cried.
Coach cried.

Through our tears
we learned an
unavoidable truth...

If you allow a season
to begin
you must also allow
it to end.

The HATE of today began on that tearful day,
4 months ago.

Today my son is a
SENIOR baseball player.
I cried when he left.
He was in his red, white and black
with "Cowboys" displayed across his chest.
I know today is his last...
"Opening Day".

However, I also know...
He will smile from the dugout.
He will smile from the field.
He will smile when he stands to bat.
He will smile when he slides into home.

He will smile today because
is what he LOVES.

And because he will smile...
I will smile
Dad will smile
We will smile together
simply because
he is what we

Isn't it ironic that we ended football against Park City
and we're starting baseball against them?


Carolynn said...

I can't imagine Krista! I know my day will have amazing boys! Thanks for sharing with us!

Anonymous said...

Cory Landon: Thanks Krista, these were my feeling today as Kelb started his Freshman season, it is going by so fast.