Here I am … 3:37 AM
Why am up?
Because I can’t sleep.
Why is that?
I was thinking it was because
I have much on my mind
But then I realized … No.
It's the Excedrin I took at midnight.
Why did I do it?
Oh yes, now I remember.
I said to myself,
is better than this headache.”
It’s true.
So here I am.
I’ve already watched a movie and hung out with the ipod, playing games.
(Hey, did you know you can now play Farmville from the ipod?)
I tried to read but alas, the jitters from the Excedrin didn’t really mesh with that.
(and not just because of the Excedrin)
The oddness is coming from the
complete silence around me.
And now I know when you're
very, very still
your 5 senses kick into high gear.
Speaking of senses ...
The kid across the hall
talks in his sleep
but also talks of great things
when he’s awake.
Speaking of awake ...
The kid in the other room
can stay up 24/7 .
He fights going to sleep
just like a 2 year old does.
Speaking of sleep ...
This fellow snuggled next to me has no problem falling asleep and has no problem with me putting my cold feet on him.
Speaking of problem ...
My tummy hurts a tad,
some from the Excedrin,
but mostly from the delicious
fresh fruit in my fridge.
Speaking of delicious ...
Isn't the smell of Downy
deliciously divine?
These lovely, lovely sheets
smell of that divine-ness!
Speaking of sheets ...
Mine are calling to me.
The Excedrin has worn off
and this handsome,
very sleepy man
just came looking for me.