
Thursday, August 5, 2010

Cookies not included.

When you think of Grannies, do you think of

Not me...
Not with my Grandma Carrie...
She didn't do...

This morning I glanced at the clock ... 8:30.
My shoulder hurt, I'll rest it some.
And at 9:00 I'll get up.

At 9:00 the phone rang.

"Krista... Grandma... "
Nothing else had to be said,
I knew.
The spirit wispered it to me last night while Jeff and Dad were giving her a blessing.

However, that whisper didn't stop me from running.
"Tyson ... Grandma... "
He followed me
and we ran to the car.

I turned, running back to grab my toothbrush.

The thought came to grab some clothing too
but my heart decided against it and I grabbed just a robe.

Robe zipped, toothbrush in hand, breaking the speed limit,
I flew to my parents home.

I heard my Sweet Mama...
She deserved to cry.
She has taken care of Grandma for 4 years.
She has done a good job.
She should have no regrets.

The paramedics were there
as was Uncle Dean and Aunt DeAnn.
They were calm.

Then I heard Uncle Dean quietly say,
"Let her go."
With that, the paramedics stopped.

Then came the
It's the feeling that only comes in times like these.
I have felt it a few times in my life.
I'm thankful to know where it comes from.
I'm thankful to know it will always come.

Grandma Carrie was gone.
Yet I knew she was still lingering.

I could feel her watching as
one by one
her 9 children
comforted one another.
I'll bet that made her happy.

Those 9 love each other.
They will be okay.

Then several of the 37 came.
I'm sure that made her happy too.

Eventually I was surrounded with those I love
most in the world.
As I looked around, I realized I owed much of my
to Grandma Carrie.

Thanks for that Grandma!

Thanks for giving birth to
NINE children,
who then gave birth to 37
of my very best friends.

We wouldn't have each other without you.

And we wouldn't have the most awesome
Christmas Party known to man!
(Even though we've had to ban children under 18 and
adults over 50... and maybe Rick,  from now on.)

And thanks...
 for letting me stay up late with you when I was little and watch Lawrence Welk from the orange rocker next to yours.

And thanks...
 for living in that house with those cool 70's beads in the bathroom.

And thanks...
 for letting us live in that cool house when ours burned to the ground. Where would have gone without you?

And thanks...
 for moving back to Grantsville 4 years ago, so my kids could cry today because they knew who you were.

And thanks...
 for eating those potatoes I cooked in mom's oven on Tuesday.
I'm glad I didn't know then you would leave us today.

And thanks...
for being my mom's friend these past 4 years, she will miss you but you left her with a healed heart.

And did I say thanks for The 37?
Oh I did...
but thanks again!

And thanks for not makin' cookies...
we never needed those anyway.
We just needed you...
 for without you we couldn't have each other.

I love you Grandma.
I hope you had a happy homecoming.

And Grandma,when we see you again...
HUGS all around