Today, in Sunday School, we finished up our study of
The Book of Mormon.
We cannot even begin to count the blessings we have received through reading this year. We are so thankful for the examples, both good and bad, which help us know how to return to our Heavenly Father.
However, the end of the book is always bitter-sweet as it ends with the testimony of just ONE VOICE.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Over... just like that.
Leave for School: 7:30
End of School: 2:20
Play Practice: 2:30-6:00
Basketball Practice: 6:00-7:00
(or a game: 6:30-8:30)
Home: No sooner than 7:00 pm
Needless to say, we're glad to have it all come to an end.
Welcome Home Hummer...
Friday, December 26, 2008
My First Born
It was only yesterday that I spent Christmas evening in the hospital. I left Christmas dinner at Grandma's house and spent the next 16 hours in the worst AGONY of my life...
That was only yesterday and yet today I think the AGONY is worse. For I woke up to find that my FIRST BORN is 17 years old.
Is it my imagination or does it appear to everyone that he is sliding through my fingers. Tear... Tear... Tear. I can take some comfort in knowing that he is, at least, still "sliding HOME".
Happy Birthday Ty!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
So nice to meet you...
We were surprisingly intruduced on this Christmas Day by
the AMAZING...
Jeff Hutchins (a.k.a Best Husband EVER!!)
I Love You Sweetums!
After this gift was opened Jeff asked me if maybe now I could actually come to bed at night since I would now have the option to bring the computer to bed with me. Do you think I have a problem?
Merry Christmas to you all!!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
The WISE wise man
And as for the little SHEPHERD...
Well, this is probably an accurate rendition. It was a long walk.
That's Joseph you see over to the side.
JOSEPH, pay attention!
Look at the baby... the baby!
Not the wise wise man.
Tyson... how old are you?
You are distracting the father of the WISE wise man!
Focus people
Not the wise wise man.
You are distracting the father of the WISE wise man!
Focus people
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
A Cullen Christmas
It was a great and much needed GIRLS NIGHT OUT! Not to mention a great way to begin the Christmas Season.
I SPY...
This has been quite a holiday season.
To make a long story short... we've been playing
"I spy an APOSTLE"...
It all began at the TOP... yes, with the prophet. We were at dinner and in walked Pres. Monson with his wife. He stopped to shake Tyson's hand. Then he asked Dillon if he was going on a mission. When Dillon replied with a "yes" the prophet then said, "Okay, you promised me ." I can't even tell you the impact this had on our boys... not to mention us and Grandma Hutch (who was with us). It was an incredible experience. Oh... what a way to begin the Holidays!
We couldn't believe it when only 4 days later we spotted another. We were in a concert when Jeff whispered to me, "There is Elder Uchtdorf". I didn't believe him but upon further starring, it was him right him in front of us with his wife. We had the opportunity to shake his hand later that night.
During intermission of this same concert, as we were watching Elder Uchtdorf... Jeff turned around for a little stretch. Then he said, "Krista, you will not believe this... Dallin H. Oaks is behind us." Again, not believing, I turned to look and sure enough he was. We were spinning at the chain of events.
It was fun to text our family and let them know every time we "spied" someone new. My brother told me that he was tempted to send me a text that read: "Krista, be careful backing out of the concert tonight. I'm sure Elder Eyring will be standing behind your car. Try not to run over him." Sadly enough, we never spotted him.
To make a long story short... we've been playing
"I spy an APOSTLE"...


Again, sorry... so, so sorry!!!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Krista, WHY?

Reply: You mean why do I look half dead?
Have you recovered from being sick?
Reply: No. I'm hacking like a hammer and coughing a lot doesn't fair well with a woman my age (if you know what I mean).
We hear you pulled a muscle putting up your Christmas decorations.
Reply: Yes I did but it has since healed.
Is it true that the arm of a porcelain figurine broke off in the bottom of your foot?
Reply: True in-deedy.
There is a rumor that you slipped on the ice, broke your head and now you are in a coma? Is that true?
Reply: That one would be a lie.
Well, we don't feel that is a reason NOT to blog. It's not like you've had anything to do.
Reply: You're right. I've been selfish. I should have done it after the Forgotten Carols or when we got home from The Festival of Tree's. If not then, then after Kurt Bestor. I guess I could have taken a break from Peanut Brittle Night or our annual "Deer Hunt". I could have missed The Palmer Party or The Jefferies Party or The Johnson Party or The Butler's Baby Blessing and Birthday Party or The Johnson Birthday Party or The Palmer Cousin Party (oh wait, I did miss that one... had another party). Well, maybe I could have done it while Ty was at baseball camp last week or at least while he was at baseball camp this week. I'm sure I can do it when he is at baseball camp next week. No, I could have done it while Jeff was out of town for 3 days. Oh wait, I should have done it after one of Dillon's 4 play productions or after one of his 8 basketball games or maybe after the GHS football banquet. I should have done it instead of narrating the Christmas program in Sacrament Meeting or making the posters for the Ward Party or I should have just skipped The Ward Party. Let's see... I should have been blogging, I've had pretty of time!
As BUSY as we've been...
we've LOVED this Christmas Season.
Hope it has been the same for all of you.

Sunday, December 21, 2008
Lovin' the LIGHTS!
I've got to hand it to Jeff...
he really went all out on the LIGHTS this year!
What are you saying? This isn't our house?
Come on... let a girl DREAM!
I married a great man who is a lot of things but a "Christmas Light Guy" he is not. So play along, for my sake...
Now, once again, doesn't OUR house look nice.
he really went all out on the LIGHTS this year!
What are you saying? This isn't our house?
Come on... let a girl DREAM!
I married a great man who is a lot of things but a "Christmas Light Guy" he is not. So play along, for my sake...
Now, once again, doesn't OUR house look nice.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
We're all in this "TOGETHER"
It didn't take Dillon long to figure out the perks that come from being in show business.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
On Stage...
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
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