
Saturday, July 10, 2010

Fields NEVER ending ...

In case you didn't know
goes on FOREVER!

We were bored when suddenly the "back seat" softly declares,

"I didn't pack any boxers!"


"How does that happen?"
Then the other back seat pipes up in defense of the Little One

Mom, didn't you pack Dillon's bag?
"Yes, but I packed just what HE set out!"
Yes, but mom, didn't you notice he didn't have any boxers?
"Obviously NOT! I was trying to teach responsibility."
(How's that workin' for ya mom?)

Then the jokes ensued. I won't go into that as they were mostly inappropriate, but I will say the laughter
kept us awake
as well as the monotone concert being held
in the backseat.

And just in case you didn't know,
it is possible for teenage boys to hit High C.

By this time it had been
14 hours.

Did I mention Jeff
doesn't drive well
after the sun goes down?

So we made our way to a hotel.
Hoping to flop into bed.

But alas, as we unpacked and in my effort to make
"the backseat" responsible ...
(by packing their own bag)
it was discovered the
"Got2B glued"
had not been twisted shut before being packed,
thus exploding in the bag.

Let's just say, when you see the word
"GLUED" ... take it literally!

Quite awhile later, after a few things had been thrown in the trash
(due to the "glue")
a promise was made...
for a quick stop...
a Walmart run...
probably an arm and a leg.

Then we passed out.

To be continued...

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