I am about to leave for the football game at the high school. As many of you may know, it has been a rough season for the Cowboys ... heartbreaking really. My son and the son's of so many others have given all they have to this program because they love the game and they love each other.
We, in this little town, are hoping and praying that tonight will be different than the other Friday nights thus far. These hopes and prayers have nothing to do with "The Game" but everything to do with "THE BOYS", for we know them... we know what good BOYS they are! BOYS who make right choices ... BOYS who are involved in every aspect of the high school because they know their influence can make a difference there ... BOYS who are kind and considerate of others ... BOYS who obey the rules and encourage others to do the same ... BOYS who set incredible examples to all whom they come in contact with ... BOYS who love their parents and aren't afraid to say so ... BOYS who love the game of football but know it's not the most important thing in life ... BOYS who deserve a little help from Heaven.
Recently the football video guy, Steven Aldridge, made this video for the team - hoping to inspire them. I know it inspired Tyson as he shared it with me yesterday. How can it not when the footage is of those Grantsville BOYS whom I've spoken of. I hope you will enjoy it but please BEWARE it does have a little foul language (sorry about that).
Pray for our boys! And, as for mine, I'm proud of you Tyson!
Go Cowboys!
Thanks for sharing the inspiration!!
Hit,Hustle,Pride!! Go Cowboys!
I watched and cheered tonight Ty as you made your spectacular touch down! I was so proud of you, and all I could say, as I sat by your wonderful family members was "I used to teach him!" I find huge honor in that! Because you are a good boy (man heee) Good job tonight!
Awesome video! It seemed to have an impact! Ty did a great job!
Wow... Where is Steven Aldridge so I can tell him how amazing that video was? The Cowboys are awesome and I am glad that they found success in their last game! Keep digging with your fingernails, Ty! :)
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