
Thursday, April 2, 2009

He is HERE!

Most of my posts lately have been about Tyson. He is busy this time of year. BUT if you notice during the summer,
most of my posts are about my little one because he is just silly that time of year.

However, you may be asking yourself the question...

Where is Hummer?
Is he there?
If so, what's he been up to?

Let me respond by saying...
He is ALIVE and kickin' and dancin' and singin' and , pretty much, keeping a SMILE on our faces


Anonymous said...

DILLON - ... "LAY THE LUMBER!!!". That little pose of yours is like the dance I have you on my cell phone. I think I'll post that on You Tube and make you famous, oh wait - you are Dillon, you are already famous!


Shaun said...

hilarious! I love Dillon! I had to scroll down to get to the picture so it was even more dramatic!