
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Campaign Game

I spent an entire morning re-writing a song for this cutie to use in her quest to become GHS Junior class president.
(Good Luck Ally)

It got me to thinking that there may be others out there on
the campaign trail.

To some it may bring joy.
To others, maybe not so much.
My personal feeling is that
camPAIGNing is a PAIN!

However, I HELPED Dillon with his a few months back.
I felt it was a
perfectly orchestrated campaign.


Strategy #1 ... Know the RULES!
Strategy #2 ... Know the RULES!
Strategy #3 ... Know the RULES!
I cannot stress strategies 1-3 enough!
The over-looking of these may have led to our


Strategy #4 ... Find a "catchy" phrase
Use it on your posters, wear it on your body
and try to use your

... or not.
Is it still fun when you hear "Hutch has Game!" every time you walk down the hall. It's only been 7 months since the campaign. Maybe it will die down by next year.


Strategy #5 ... Have lots of Posters
and lots of blue tape.
But be sure to share if you have the opportunity.

A mother ran out tape and wanted some of mine. I didn't share because I was using someone else's (someone who'd shared with me) and I was afraid I, too, would run out. That was not good. It was the beginning of the end. The Lord was not happy with me and now, 7 months later I still feel terrible. So, share
Sharing makes you feel good.


Strategy #6 ... Hand out something Funky
What is easier than a rubber band with a label on it?
It's a
reminder and a funky fashion accessory. Plus, it costs practically nothing
(which was important in obeying the rule of not spending over $20).

How in the world would we know that a rubber band is considered a WEAPON in the Tooele County School District. Oh I hear you saying, "It's a WHAT?!" Yes, it is a WEAPON ... who would have ever, ever guessed! Needless to say, we have 300 funky rubber band weapons just in case we run for another office in a different school district.


Strategy #7 ... A voting day Reminder
Are we not clever?
I spent an entire morning making these from
sticky notes.
Not only that, but I made one for each and every locker!

When I showed them to Dillon he informed me that he could not hang anything on the lockers. I assured him that he was wrong, that the rule actually said he couldn't use TAPE on the lockers. I told him it would be fine. So we hung up 300 after school. We felt we were safe since both the Principle and Vice Principle commented what a great idea they were.

Well, maybe not such a great idea afterall ...

Enter into Dillon's life only 15 hours later:
7:45 (over the intercom) "Dillon Hutchins please come to the office."
7:47 "Dillon you've broken the rules. There was to be nothing put on the lockers. You will need to remove all of your notes NOW!" (Let me just interject here and say, "Hey... what about the tape rule? There was no tape used. Do you see any tape? NO! Check the rules! Check the rules!")
7:50-8:30 Dillon is respectful and removes the notes ... all 300!!
8:00 (text home to mother)
"MOM! I told you we couldn't put things on the lockers. I'm in trouble!"
8:01 Mother is feeling like she sent her son off to the slaughter house and offers to come and help.
8:02 (text home to mother)
"NO! Do not come!" Dill eventually returns to class.
8:45 (over the intercom) "Dillon Hutchins please come to the office."
(Are you kidding me?!)
8:47 "Dillon some of your notes are still on the floor, you need to check all the halls and make sure each and every one is thrown away. You may use the janitors broom if you want. You know you broke the rules." HE KNOWS! HE KNOWS! Enough already!!

Strategy #8 ... Do not let mother help with your campaign!
Strategy #9 ... Do not let mother help with your campaign!
Strategy #10 ... Do not let mother help with your campaign!

Thus the reason for my new motto...

"Just because you can,
doesn't mean you should."

Sorry Dilly-G-Willigar!


Unknown said...

Oh Krista, you crack me up! Theres nothing wrong with doing your Mother job to the best of our ability, even though it sometimes backfires. (believe me I have done it too!) We Just need to hope the boy's remember all the times it works! :)

Shaun said...

I would have voted for you Dillon

Anonymous said...

What ticks me off about this whole story -- is this! Why can't the school district or whoever made the rules be happy that there's a mom who cares, who actually knows what is going on in their child's life, and who is trying to help him. PERIOD!!! We are so in trouble with the way the world is heading----
Good for you in your efforts! I have a lot to learn before my kids get there. Will you be there foster mom if I cross the line one time at a PTA meeting???
OHHHH my, don't even get me started.