
Thursday, January 28, 2010

Baldness Confuses Children!

When Micheal Jordan "chose" to become bald, a trend began.

Many, my brothers included, have chosen to follow this new fad.

Although it makes getting ready in the morning a little easier, I have to ask if the "payoff" is worth the...


Meet "Little E".
He is so confused...
That has lead to intrigue...
Intrigue focusing on...

Uncle Jeff's Hair

He waits for just the right time to approach...
then he looks at it with curious eyes...
he studies it from all angles...
until finally, his little hands
can't resist the urge to softly...
touch it.

One day in church I heard E innocently whisper,
"Uncle Jeff, why do you have hair?"
Uncle Jeff's answer was obviously wrong
because E's reply was loudly stated, so all could hear,
"Nuh-Uh!! Dad's don't have hair!"

That was few months ago.
This week I've learned that the confusion is accelerating.

Just yesterday E brought home his new baby brother. When asked who the baby looked like, E adamantly proclaimed the he looked like Daddy. When I inquired as to why, I was sternly told,
"Because he doesn't have any hair on the top of his head!"

Then my eyes darted over to my brother...
Was that a faint tint of darkness growing on the top of his head?
Were those really little seeds of hair follicles I saw?
Has Brandon finally decided to end the...


Brandon said...

No, the confusion will continue on! Just haven't had time to trim it up. You know, you have to cut your hair once a week to stay bald (at least I do...LUCKILY). I did try to grow it out a couple months ago for little "E", but seeing how thin it was on top was just too much for me to handle!

Rachel said...

So true! 2 out of my 4 brothers are MOSTLY voluntarily bald. I think you have to have a certain face to be bald, don't you think?