
Sunday, June 22, 2008

Tender Mercy

What a terrible Saturday ...
Jeff and I spent all day Saturday looking for a new car ... and I (not Jeff, my righteous husband, only "I") also spent all day Saturday struggling with my FOOLISH PRIDE. It's hard to not follow the temptings of the world (and a good salesman) OVER what is good and wise for your family. Toward the end of the day, Jeff turned to me and asked me what I wanted to do. In turn, I grumpily said, "I just want to go home." I couldn't take the struggle with the world anymore. I walked into my home, exhausted, with a splitting headache, a bad attitude and no desire to prepare to teach Sunday School... so I didn't.

What a humble Sunday...
As I awoke on this Sabbath Day, I felt terribly ashamed and prayed for help to teach the 18 faithful teenagers who come to class every single week. The Lord, in his goodness, then stepped in and showed me what it's like to be "IN THE WORLD BUT NOT OF IT". The thought came to me to ask the kids what they'd learned over the past few months. As I did, each one shared wonderful insight and testimony as to what each handout, each story and each other meant to them. I stood before them as the STUDENT this day and I witnessed how the Lord uses tiny moments in our lives to show us what is really important ... It is not cars, houses or belongings of any kind ... It is ONLY the difference we make in the lives of others and these youth made a difference in mine today.

What a wonderful Sabbath Day this is ... and oh, the wonderful gift of those "Tender Mercies" the Lord gives us.

P.S. I can't post a picture of each youth in my class... so I will just post my cute Tyson and my cute nephew, Austin. For they are another "Tender Mercy" in my life everyday!

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