
Monday, January 31, 2011

The lynching of Andrew Nelson

Taken from the "Hidden Arsenal"
Originally written:  September 17, 2010

Before we begin let me get the 
introductions out of the way.

Meet Andrew Nelson

He is a family friend.
(Maybe a little too friendly with my niece?)

He's a teammate
to my boys.

Sometimes he's funny.
Sometimes we could kill him.
But mostly, we love him.

Now, meet Cowboy Football...

It's a priority around here.

Some say too much of a  priority.
I disagree.

It runs our lives this time of year
and I think that's just fine.

Sometimes it's awesome.
Sometimes it could kill you.

Sometimes it makes you scream.
Sometimes it makes you smile.
Sometimes it makes you cry.

But ALL the time
 it makes us

So, on to the story of the would-be lynching,
beginning (and ending) with ...
your average Friday in Grantsville

8:00 a.m.

Jersey's are worn to school.
Flags are hung.
Pep Assemblies are roaring!
5:00 p.m.

Opponents arrive.
Fan Fest begins.
Team Talks ensue.
Bands fire up!
7:00 p.m.

Teams explode.
Flips are won.
Balls are kicked.
Crowds go crazy.

Sloooooooooooow  down!

Some fans are missing.
Some fans are in Iowa.
Some fans are not here.

Thus, say HELLO...

Say HELLO...
 to Krista's Facebook play by play.

Say HELLO...
to Krista's Friday Following!
and then...
to Andrew Nelson
or say something else to him
(as many did).

Andy is AT the game.
Andy gets Krista's updates on
his phone!
Andy is jeering
the play by play-er.

Andy is telling her to
stop with the play by play.
(by saying so on FACEBOOK)

And last Friday? ...

Let's just say Andy was almost lynched
by the Facebook
"Play by Play Following".

You don't mess with Cowboy Football.
Not even if you're, Andy
Not even if you're kidding.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hillary Hawker:

That was pretty great lol :) I have yet to ever meet Andrew but I think Ive seen enough of his comments on your posts to laugh LOL :)