
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

No trampolines after 40!

Since I had my last birthday
some undesirable things have happened...

I don't LEAP out of bed.
AVOID trampolines.
I often FORGET things.
I move a little SLOWER.

However, it's all worth it
because of the trade-off's
I get in return.

Number one being, I don't WORRY like I used to.

For instance, I'm not at all worried that I have 2 Christmas tree's still standing in my home (on Jan. 12th). 

In my 30's I'd have been horrified at the thought, but not now that I'm 40.

In my 30's I would have shut the blinds and definitely not turned the lights on at night, but not now that I'm 40.  I like the lights. 

 Why not enjoy?

You see, I've come to realize that life is busy. We'll get to it when we can but for now, other things are more important.  
Things like ...

... being with family

... and family

... and more family.

... going to the temple.

... going to the movies.

... having straight teeth.

... taunting any opponent of GHS.

Oh yes, Board Boy the 2nd has entered the building. Let me apologize in advance.

... nursing a pulled hamstring.

You know Jeff is over 40 too, he might want to consider giving up football.

... getting our first born
home from Iowa.

I've since had to
send him back.
Tear, tear. Sigh, sigh.

... cleaning up messes.

Who toilet papers in this weather? Not to mention, everyone in the house was awake and all
the blinds were open.

... watching BYU play.

It's Jimmer Time!

... going to baseball camp at BYU.

Sadly, Jimmer didn't drop by.

... being a menace in
the men's department.

I think there's super-model potential.

... being a menace in
the jewelry department.

Going for the Lamanite-ish look,
hence the wrist bands.

... being a menace in
the shoe department.

... in short, menacing
the mall.

... shoveling.

and shoveling, and shoveling

... enjoying Girls Night.

... wearing yourself ragged
playing the Kinect.

... kissing.

...and kissing.

...and more kissing.

... smiling.

... and just hangin' out.

So the tree's can stay for now.
I'll gage their inappropriate-ness by my age ... 40.
If they're still up in the 4th month of the year (April), I'll worry.  In fact, if they're still up in April it probably means
I've forgotten about them.
(that happens when you're 40)

But if you're worried,
take comfort in knowing
the tree's ARE

So over and out for now...
Merry Christmas to all and to all a ...
Oh wait, it's January ...


Hummer thought the post below,
"My Hidden Arsenal", was weird (a.k.a stupid). He clearly didn't find the humor.  So in light of that fact AND the fact that I need him as a subject in future blogs, it will be removed within the week.   No need to make the people you live with uneasy, right?


Rachel said...

So I'm not quite 30 and I JUST took the trees down. Does that mean I'm 40 at heart? :) As always, your posts enlighten and brighten my day. Thanks!!!!

Lacey Sue said...

You totally and completely make my day when I read your posts! It's like sunshine---in a blog---I love it!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Well I'm sorry you have to remove your last post I enjoyed it! But when we are useing the ones closest to us as our muse we also need to respect their opinions. So all I can say is I'm glad I got to see it before it is gone :)

Teresa said...

We have a pulled hamstring on our blog too, also from football! My forty-year-old man just doesn't know when to quit, but I love him anyway (and maybe because of it).

Jolynn said...

Loved your post. The best thing about being in your 40's is that you stop stressing over everything and you just enjoy those little moments that matter. My tree is still up too.
Love Aunt Jo