
Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Today I'm kinda just 
"Going through the Motions"

I can't pinpoint why.
But apparently
it's obvious because
The Lifeguard
called to see if I needed

I told him I loved him.
and then I re-read the
he gave me yesterday.

I drove Dill to school.
I know we only live like
20 steps
away but I always drive him
because it makes

Then I prayed
... yes, still in my car.
I always pray there
in the morning.
Why waste the heated seats?

Then I showered followed
by putting on my
"old woman robe". 
Some people think it's pathetic
but I LOVE it! 
I requested it for a gift
and it's divine.
Don't judge me.

After zipping up
"old woman",
I had my breakfast. 
I expect the sugar crash
to hit about 3:00 pm because
I had the same thing for
snack-time and lunch.

After breakfast I put on my
make-up but only half way,
leaving on the splotches. 
I don't care.

Then I did my hair with my new blow dryer. 
which is RED and I love. 
But my hair hates it...
it leaves one side under
and one side flipping.

Then I shaved my
fingers and toes. 
Am I the only one doing this? 
I thought about
painting the toenails
then I said "naw"...
out loud.

However, I'm not sure if it was
actually out loud or not
because there are
voices in my head saying...

"Go back to bed! 
It's warm there.
It's comfy there.
Go... Go... Go!"

I'm not going but
I would if
the Life Guard was here
to watch some
chick flick with me,
 like The Proposal
I love that movie, don't you?

TANGENT KRISTA!!  Get off the tangent! 
Okay!  Okay!

Anyway, I'm not going to bed.
I did a little laundry
but I haven't folded it yet
cause then I have to
put it away
and that's the worst part.

Speaking of laundry...
 I bought Jeff and I some
new whites
I thought to myself,
 "Our boys get new unders every school year. 
Why are the adults on a
5 year rotation plan?" 

I probably shouldn't have shared that.

Then I shined some
It was a random job.
wonder what MOVED
me to do it.

In case you were wondering,
I did not and
will not weigh myself.
I may be motionless
 but I'm not INSANE!

Because not only,
did I have that above mentioned "breakfast"
my mom dropped these by ...

Would I then be nutty enough to ask
"Should step on the scales?"
Definitely NOT!

Then I read.
The Lord sent me
a message.
I'm listening.

Then I read
my Valentine
and smiled

And so you know,
don't think Valentines
(or singles awareness day)
means you have to spend
an arm and a leg...
my envelope is

Speaking of priceless...
Someone mentioned me in
one of their blog posts.
again thinking about it.

Okay... Okay...
Get OFF the tangent.
I hear you yelling!
I'm going!

Now friends, don't call me!
I'm not depressed!
I'm taking a time out.
I'm living motionless.

After all, I deserve to be
because yesterday I did
the stupidest thing EVER!

I gave FROZEN lemonade
for Valentines.
Do you know what that means?
You have to wrap a few ... and deliver.
Wrap a few more ... and deliver.
Wrap a few more ... get the idea?

And do you have any idea
how many
neices and nephews
there are? 
to be giving
frozen Valentine to!

And because of that,
there was no steak dinner
by candlelight!

It was Casa Del Ray,
which made Jeff sick
and I felt bad for him.

And now I feel even worse
because he loves
his sister's sugar cookies
and now there's only
ONE left
due to my
breakfast and lunch.

Heck, no wonder I'm
Maybe I'll just stay that way.
Maybe I'll sit in the chair.
Maybe I'll grab a blankie.
Maybe I'll read a book.

But really...
 what will I read?

I just finished
The Hunger Games
and can anything really beat that?

Or maybe...
I'll make some 
and fold the
and finish my

Or maybe...
I'll listen to those voices in my head
"Go!  Go!  Go!"


Amanda said...

Oh my heck Krista, you hit the nail right on the head! That totally describes my day (except I chose frosted brownies and chocolates for my meals). I'm glad I'm not the only one having and "off" day.

P.S. Sugar rush has begun to wear off and I'm cuddled under a blankie to sleep it off.

Di said...

Love It Krista...but I pefer cakeballs to cookies! It's ok to be motionless-by the way..I didn't know you could by frozen lemonade like that! Love Ya

Di said...

Didn't mean to talk like a Hick!
I meant PREFER cakeballs...I should always wear my glasses:)

Anonymous said...

I joined the party too! Being a WW member, I thought I would go crazy today resisting all the sweets from yesterday. I had made a batch of low calorie meringue cookies, mint chocolate chip, to have on hand when I needed something with a little sugar.
Come 4:00 today I went on a binge, sat to watch Ophra and ate the entire batch, all 36!!!!! Thank heavens for Splenda, it might have just saved the day!
I'm glad Easter is a ways off. These holidays are bummers!!!
I have to admit though, I did indulge in 2 strawberries myself yesterday! They were legal fruit, right? Love ya, Mom

Lacey Sue said...

Okay- I loved this post! LOVED IT! And yes, I will admit, I ALSO shave my toes with that EXACT shavery thingy...I love it! I love your day, I love you!

Anonymous said...

From Facebook...

Andrea Shosted Pratt:
Krista I just love reading your blog. Most of the time it's something I NEED to hear. So thank you :)